Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Soul Out of My Reach...But Not God's

Most of my students will be with me for two more days,  but I said good-bye to one of my students today. This was her first time at a Christian school, and due to moving she probably won't come back. I knew I might have just one year with her...and now it's gone. She is from a  mildly Hindu background, and for the first few weeks of school she insisted that she had never sinned.

I thank God for how He grew her spiritually this year. Unlike many of my students, who have grown up in a Christian family, she is very earnest and sincere in her growing understanding of what the Bible teaches. She knows she's a sinner not worthy of heaven, and when I would speak to her about something she did wrong, she would immediately ask, "Can we pray right now?" Praying for forgiveness!  How often do I neglect that myself?

But she doesn't yet understand how full His grace is. Today I talked with her one last time, and she still hoped she would be good enough to get to heaven, admitting in the same breath that she isn't good enough. I explained again how Jesus' blood covers our sin in God's eyes - when we believe that His blood is enough. I don't know if the sweet girl understood. All I can do is pray for her - pray that other Christians will come into her life to teach her the pure gospel, pray that she would come to a full understanding. And entrust her to the Lord Jesus, who is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.

1 comment:

  1. What a well-written tale! The best part is that it's not over... Jesus is present :) I've enjoyed following your efforts for the Lord, Amy!
