Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Soul Out of My Reach...But Not God's

Most of my students will be with me for two more days,  but I said good-bye to one of my students today. This was her first time at a Christian school, and due to moving she probably won't come back. I knew I might have just one year with her...and now it's gone. She is from a  mildly Hindu background, and for the first few weeks of school she insisted that she had never sinned.

I thank God for how He grew her spiritually this year. Unlike many of my students, who have grown up in a Christian family, she is very earnest and sincere in her growing understanding of what the Bible teaches. She knows she's a sinner not worthy of heaven, and when I would speak to her about something she did wrong, she would immediately ask, "Can we pray right now?" Praying for forgiveness!  How often do I neglect that myself?

But she doesn't yet understand how full His grace is. Today I talked with her one last time, and she still hoped she would be good enough to get to heaven, admitting in the same breath that she isn't good enough. I explained again how Jesus' blood covers our sin in God's eyes - when we believe that His blood is enough. I don't know if the sweet girl understood. All I can do is pray for her - pray that other Christians will come into her life to teach her the pure gospel, pray that she would come to a full understanding. And entrust her to the Lord Jesus, who is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Five weeks!

Well, I just sent out my first update about my travels to Spain and France this summer! I've tried to add anyone who has expressed interest, but if I didn't get you please comment with your email address. I'll add you and delete your comment so that it's not floating around in the Cloud or wherever these blogs are kept now. :)

Soon I want to be cool and start posting in Spanish and English, like my Spanish-speaking friends. :) But not today.